Healing Sexual Trauma

Healing Sexual Trauma

Karyn Fleck Counselling Services MSW/RSW provides support for survivors of assault and sexual harassment with therapy services that teach them how to process their feelings and thoughts in a healthy way. Healing sexual trauma takes time and emotional support that may be difficult to find in normal circumstances. Effective counselling encourages survivors of sexual abuse to reclaim agency over their bodies. It is also important for partners or loved ones of survivors to learn how to approach the subjects of assault and harassment with respect and empathy. If you are suffering from sexual trauma, please get in touch by booking online.

Our Services

39621796 s
​Couples Counselling

​Couples Counselling

Couple 1733996 1280
Intimacy Coaching

Intimacy Coaching

Individual Counseling Sessions

Individual Counseling Sessions

95604573 s
Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy

Healing trauma
Healing Sexual Trauma

Healing Sexual Trauma

EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy